There exists the purest of evil, which has infiltrated our political structures, religious institutions, and the world’s cultures. Evil so pure and so prolific that it may shock even those who are subtly aware. If you have become aware, you know the trauma and coldness your heart encounters. For most who get a glimpse, their minds recoil in revulsion and utter disbelief; putting up walls to protect themselves from the unthinkable.
This evil disguises itself within structures in subtle ways; ways so cunning, you may be shocked by the darkness that lurks at its foundation. People stand before us, wolves in sheep’s clothing. They stand at the highest level, often times levels higher than are publicly acknowledged or for many publicly known. The evil is ancient; often times with deep-rooted family ties. The evil is masterful in disguise and able to divert attention from itself by hiding within structures and institutions that it has utter and total disregard for. The evil is designed to make you think it is something other than what it is. It cloaks itself in ideologies, which it easily sheds when the institution or structure is stained beyond repair. The evils desires you to misunderstand what its true nature is, where it lies, or its real intent. The structure only acts as a diversion and façade, and if need be, a scapegoat.
The evil is hardly worth pointing out. In fact, acknowledging it only bolsters its sway. I speak of it only so that you may know that I am aware of its existence. I do not underestimate its prolific power and control.
Our gut reaction is often times to fight against this evil, to point at, and persecute those we believe to be proliferating this evil. They are not who you think they are. The individual is not the evil; they are a byproduct, they are tips of a flame from a deep raging fire.
Distraction from good is what it seeks. Distraction from love is what it seeks. It wants you to believe you are alone and separate and misunderstood. It wants you to believe you are not special. It wants you to take without remorse, to kill without question. It wants you absorbed in media, believing what you are told. It wants you competing against each other. It wants you to believe in your political and religious ideology. It wants you to fight against the people that stand on the opposite side of you and to hate them. It wants you to dehumanize them. It wants you to fight against your fellow man.
Understand this evil doesn’t have a political ideology; it doesn’t have a religious affiliation. Its desire is to separate you from your fellow man, to not see them, to not empathize with them, to not stand with them. It wants you to fight against them. It wants you to lose your temper. It wants you to yell, and scream, and fight. It has prepared for this. It planned this; this is what it desires. It wants us to stoop down to its level and wants you to devolve, not evolve. Any action from the people stemming from anger and hatred will be used against us. It will be used to bolster the idea that those around you are dangerous and uncontrollable, and that you need to be protected from your fellow man. It wants you to be an unwitting slave. It wants you to cower in fear. It wants you to lie down willingly and submit.
What is absolutely imperative to understand is the only control it exerts is the control you allow it to exert.
There is one thing to do, one action that counters this evil, one thing that stops this evil, one thing that it has absolutely no control over, and that is to act with a selfless heart, to love, love without question, love without judgment.
Just love…
There is nothing in the evils arsenal that can stand up to this.