Can We Agree?
Ok, let’s start with the obvious.
This whole Trump thing really rocked my world.
I feel moments of heartbroken anger.
My wife is an African American, Muslim and my son is Latino.
If you cannot understand the sadness and sorrow I feel,
Well, then there is very little else I can say.
I feel let down by my friends, family, and countrymen.
I’m literally stunned.
I want to fix this, but…
Today, I do not have the ability to see a solution.
I need time to heal; to see through this clearly.
I’m hurt.
I had a lot more to say on this topic but I’m going to resist for now.
So, I’m going to take a stab at getting all of us to agree on something.
All of us, as in the whole kit and caboodle.
Well, here we go…
Our environment is in dire straights and I think I have an idea on how to bring us all together in this polarizing and convoluted topic.
The idea of global warming became contentious years ago.
So the slogan changed to climate change.
Again, contentious.
I don’t want to get into an argument over the validity of climate change.
No one will agree, and that’s ok.
So I have to ask, is there anything we can agree upon?
How about this?
Don’t pooh where you stew.
Don’t defecate where you consummate.
Don’t shit where you sit.
I think everyone can agree on these crass epithets.
Sorry for the language, but if there is one thing I’ve learned in the last week, people love simple slogans.
We have been shitting where we have been sitting for far too long.
Then we bicker over whether or not the shit is affecting other shit.
There is a point we seem to be all missing while we are all bickering.
It’s a simple fact,
Shitting where you are sitting is silly.
It’s infantile.
Even my 1 1/2 year old gets it.
He’ll point to his diaper and says, “Poopy, poopy, poopy”
Why? Because even he knows it’s disgusting.
Disregarding it is juvenile.
Funny story:
I was helping my son clean his closet.
I found four zip-lock bags full of liquified toxicity buried in the corner.
Remnants of lunches I packed months ago.
He was trying to hide the fact that he wasn’t eating his vegetables.
Nasty, right?
It was only a matter of time before we had a toxic spillage on our hands.
Fortunately, the Environmental Parental Agency came in and put the kibosh on those antics.
That’s exactly what we do as humans.
We stash our shameful shit in the corner of the closet and think no will notice.
That’s what environmentalism is.
It’s your mom.
She says, “Clean your room!”
Come on, you know that shit is nasty!
Let’s drop all this convoluted bickering regarding the semantics of what is happening to our environment and agree that throwing and spewing shit all over the place is just plain stupid and adolescent. Plus, we are running out of places to sit and that’s a shame.
I propose we drop the contentious ideologies.
Let’s remember that we do agree on something.
Let’s keep it stupidly simple.
Or, if you’re a patron of the PC,
Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute!
“The environment, after all, is where we all meet, where we all have a mutual interest. It is one thing that all of us share. It is not only a mirror of ourselves, but a focusing lens on what we can become.”
November 13, 2016 @ 9:49 pm
Tim, I have thought of you and your family as I have wept daily over the election. I have fear and anger and a stupid hope that I am chicken little-ing this and I am wrong about the disaster that will befall us in two months. I will have your back and anyone else’s that I can in the coming years. We ARE stronger together. And of course I agree with you about shit and where it does and doesn’t belong. At the moment Trump’s head seems a reasonable holding tank–but perhaps it is all ready full to capacity.
November 14, 2016 @ 2:41 pm
🙂 Thanks Janis
November 14, 2016 @ 4:58 pm
I think you’ve found common ground, what some have called common sense. We have to be open and not put anymore ideological differences in front of the best solutions, one being to not shit where we sit. I can get behind that!
November 14, 2016 @ 5:16 pm
November 14, 2016 @ 6:10 pm
Tim, like you I am struggling with this election and finding the common ground to build those bridges. Thank you for your insights. I can live with the phrase don’t shit where you sit. Genius.
I will keep you and your family close in thought and prayer.
November 14, 2016 @ 11:57 pm
Thanks for the support.