Things are going to be alright
Things are going to be alright
There seems to be an idea that things aren’t going well.
A fundamental question that is vital to examine is, is the world evolving or devolving?
It seems so much of what I see in pop culture are stories of devolving suggesting de-evolution. Stories that center on an idea that order is being lost.
Regardless of your political, religious, or ideological persuasion it seems there’s a pining for a past time.
A simpler time when order was understood.
A time of plenty and bounty when there was enough for everyone.
A time that hard work was the rule not the exception.
A time of respect and dignity in community
A time of compassion
A time when intellectualism was valued and aspired to.
I question the idea that we are falling apart.
I see a state of flourishing abundance every day. I have faith in evolution. Not the limited darwinian view but a view that includes the growth and expansion of consciousness and the merger of spirit.
Do you want to see the true nature of humanity? Look at New York during 9/11. Five hundred thousand people evacuated by boat in nine hours. All of the bridges and trains on Manhattan Island were closed. Strangers came together and took care of each other. Our infrastructure failed and human compassion flourished. Over six thousand five hundred travelers were housed and fed by people like you and me. Everyday normal folks, when their planes were forced to land the morning of 9/11 in Newfoundland. An entire community came together to embrace these foreign travelers. Does community even cover this? Think of these numbers! Everyone had food and shelter! That’s amazing! What a stunning outpouring of love and compassion. This is a repeating story. Snow storms in Minnesota bring out the best; people shoveling and pushing out strangers. A tornado that tore through central Minneapolis brought out people with gloves, rakes, and chainsaws eager to help their neighbors. While riding my motorcycle to the Sturgis rally I broke down. Dozens of people helped me, in ways that still shock me. The skinny kid who wasn’t on a Harley and I was fully embraced. Traveling all over the world I’ve been helped by total strangers over and over again.
The love and compassion I’ve consistently been shown has fundamentally changed me.
It’s the belief that we’re on our own that bolsters these ideas of isolation, greed, and selfishness. This is not our natural state. Our natural state is that of community.
We are fundamentally one.
We thrive together.
Last year, I told my son about a big thing that had just happened in our country. I said, “Gay marriage was legalized.” He looked at me with utter confusion, “Haven’t they always been able to be married?”
There it is, out of the mouths of babes.
Love is love
An uncorrupted simplistic truth
His natural instinct, unencumbered by any dogmatic fear based belief.
An evolution at the core of a revolution
He sees no color and is perplexed when I bring it up.
An example of a metamorphosis that my generation was a part of.
He doesn’t judge creed. He’s respectful of his Hindu and Muslim friends.
During Christmas he doesn’t boast to his friends about the things he’s received.
He wasn’t told to do this. He’s just naturally respectful of others.
Understanding that not everyone has had the same experience he’s had.
Children, the great barometer of society
An undeniable metric of evolution
While out for dinner with a friend, he hinted that the world was falling apart; unable to sustain its complexities.
I asked him, as an artist, what’s the source of inspiration for your best work?
His answer was, “It’s weird, I can’t quite explain it. It comes from a place outside of me, almost like I’m downloading something.”
This inspired me to ask the same question of other artists.
All the artists I spoke with, spoke of a similar experience.
Remarkable, isn’t it?
That speaks to a positive evolution, an unseen interconnection.
It speaks to a oneness
It speaks to the notion that we’re a piece of a single organism that we call the universe, which is in a state of perpetual flourishing expansion.
Isn’t flourishing the natural state of things?
Moss, mushrooms, and beatles on a rotten log
Soil rich with varied decompositions.
A revitalized life after a bout with cancer
Flourishing doesn’t always come in the form of rainbows.
When you look out into the stars, what is it that you see? Order or chaos?
Two galaxies colliding. A star in supernova.
I see creation and evolution.
The stars, our ancestors
Our core essence forever the same.
A cosmic dance in perfect balance.
You’re a piece of that.
The artists state that their inspiration and executions are guided by something they feel outside of themselves. This points to a central intelligence, an intelligence that thrives on a symbiotic balance perpetually opening up and evolving into richer and richer levels of beauty.
Physical states that are interwoven and interdependent on other neighboring physical states.
I’m not sure the intelligence and consciousness we experience as ours lie solely within our minds and bodies.
Intelligence seems to surround us, we seem to be awash in flourishing intelligent consciousness.
Artists are the easiest way to point this out.
We all have access to this.
The trick is to feel it, listen to it, and act on it.
We’re all awash in this. The road block is getting over yourself.
Getting over your wants and needs.
The idea seems best represented by the Hindu god with all the arms reaching out. Each arm, an alternate and symbiotic aspect of reality stemming from a single source.
A source in a perpetual state of bloom.
June 19, 2016 @ 9:24 pm
Thank you for your wisdom Tim. Happy Father’s Day!
June 19, 2016 @ 10:54 pm
Thank you Janis!
All the best…
June 20, 2016 @ 2:06 pm
Tim, I thoroughly enjoyed this writing. You are a wise and well spoken man. Thank you for taking the time to give physical form to thoughts to ponder and contemplate for us all.
June 20, 2016 @ 6:54 pm
Thank you for your kind words.
Much love to you and Dave!